Torebka Dior Vintage

Seller - Karo

Tax included

  • After you order an item, the Seller needs to send it to us for authentication. Our team will verify the item in terms of authenticity, quality standards and conformity with the  description. After the positive verification, the item will be shipped to you right away. After you order an item, the Seller needs to send it to us for authentication. Our team will verify the item in terms of authenticity, quality standards and conformity with the description. After the positive verification, the item will be shipped to you right away.
  • We guarantee 100% safe shopping. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of the item, you can return it. We guarantee 100% safe shopping. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of the item, you can return it.
  • We guarantee authenticity of all items. Each item is thoroughly checked by us. As Entrupy Partner, we provide Entrupy certificates of authenticity for selected bags. We guarantee authenticity of all items. Each item is thoroughly checked by us. As Entrupy Partner, we provide Entrupy certificates of authenticity for selected bags.

Na sprzedaż oferuję elegancką, vintage torbę na łańcuszku, idealną na wieczorne wyjścia lub jako stylowy dodatek do dziennego ubioru. Torba jest zaprojektowana w klasycznym stylu z wyraźnym monogramem marki, które subtelnie dekorują jej powierzchnię. Torba ma neutralną, beżową bazę z charakterystycznymi dla marki monogramami w odcieniu jaśniejszej beży. Produkt jest w dobrym stanie, z niewielkimi śladami użytkowania.

Very good

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